CULT HAIR: Capturing London’s unique and diverse hairstyles
Name: Daragh McCann Age: 23 Occupation: Model / bartender A description of my current hairstyle is: a very technically cut mop My current hairstyle was inspired by: My love for primary colours; the bolder the better My hair is a way for me to: Stain my friends’ bedsheets The style I’ve always wanted but never had: Waist length, raven black, pin-straight hair, but there’s not enough vitamin supplements for my bleach assaulted locks to grow that long In the past, my hair has been: A hot mess I get my hair done at: My mum’s place, my bathroom or my friend Jhaffi’s salon My hair icon is: My friend Juan and their grown out rattail/former mohawk; you name it, she’s done it
Photography: Panos Damaskinidis