CULT HAIR: Capturing London’s unique and diverse hairstyles
Name: Jack Baker Age: 24 Occupation: Hairstylist A description of my current hairstyle is: Raw mint green buzz cut Working with my cowlicks until it grows My current hairstyle was inspired by: Mod punk (This Is England) My hair is a way for me to: Express my emotions, the colours I have reflect my moods The style I’ve always wanted but never had: Collar bone length hair, I’ve always wanted to own the ‘hair flick’ In the past, my hair has been: Where to start? Black, blue, screaming orange, yellow, green, pink, lilac… I won’t go on My hair icon is: Tough one… hairdressers Zoe Irwin, Adam Reed and Duffy I get my hair done at: Bad Apple Hair.
Photography & Art Direction: Panos Damaskinidis